Dear Mr Morrison and Mr Tehan, Enough is Enough

Today, thousands of school students around the world participated in strikes against climate change inaction. In Australia alone, it’s estimated about 150,000 students across every capital city and 40 regional towns showed their support for the “School Strike 4 Climate”, sending a clear message to politicians that the time for change was yesterday. However, our politicians and policy makers continue to tell kids to “get back to school”. I’m here to say that enough is enough.

As a 20-year-old university student studying journalism and history, with a bit of international politics on the side, this is a topic I feel very strongly about. Climate change is not just an issue that is slowly approaching; it is a crisis that is happening right now. It is a crisis that defines our future, specifically that of my generation. It will be our air and water quality that is significantly decreased, our natural ecosystems destroyed past the point of regeneration, our agricultural industry’s declining productivity rates. It will be us, and our children, facing the unprecedented challenges of severe natural disasters. And yet, at this crucial time where changes must be enacted, we are not the ones whose voices are being heard.

Nothing angers me more than hearing Prime Minister Scott Morrison and Federal Minister for Education Dan Tehan berate students for ‘wagging’ school. To hear Mr Morrison last November demand “more learning in schools and less activism” made my blood boil. To hear Mr Tehan speak on ABC national radio this morning and say that “students should do the right thing, support their peers and go to school” just simply made me confused.

What I demand of Mr Morrison is more learning of current global warming facts, particularly those of the 2018 IPCC Global Warming of 1.5°C. Within this report, scientists clearly state that the recommendations made in the 2016 Paris Climate Agreement are simply not enough to prevent the catastrophic consequences of climate change. It doesn’t matter how many plastic bags we ban, or how many metal straws we use. Without significant shifts away from fossil fuel projects towards renewable energy targets, the damage will be irreversible in as little as twelve years. Yet, the Australian Government has made no changes in policy, and shows no intention to do so.

What I say to Mr Tehan is simple – I will continue to do the right thing by my peers, my family and myself. I will continue to care about my future and the future of those I love. I will continue to speak up and against those in power, and demand change until change is made. I will continue to go to school where I learn the importance of activism, the importance of passion, the importance of demanding action when action is so desperately needed. I will continue to encourage the other members of my inspiring generation to do the same, and to remain politically engaged because soon enough, our time will come.

Mr Morrison, Mr Tehan – enough is enough.

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